Drug Free Aftercare





Entrance to the drug free group is through graduation from the Detoxification (Progression) group or by referral from other Detox/Therapeutic programmes.

The Casadh Drug Free Programme is an abstinence based programme which aims to support and advocate for former drug users who have either recently completed a residential drug-free detoxification programme, or after a period of abstinence wish to maintain their drug free status.

The Casadh Employment & Further Education Programme participants are supported as they seek to make sense of their new drug free lifestyle and reintegrate into the community. The Education and Employment programme offers: One-to-one Key-working and care planning, Therapeutic groups, Holistics, Life skills training, Personal development work, Pre-employment and Return to Education training.

Group Definition

The Casadh Drug Free Group (Employment & Further Education Programme) is an abstinence (Free of all illicit drugs and alcohol) based group working together to maintain a drug free lifestyle with the stated intention of moving to employment or further education.

The emphasis in this group is on increased self-reliance and utilising resources effectively in remaining drug free. There is increased emphasis on support structures outside of Casadh and developing structured plans and activities that promote a healthy and drug-free lifestyle. Activities which promote maintaining a drug free life are encouraged. Participants will take part in various activities such as SMART recovery, After Care Meetings, NA & AA groups outside of their assigned CE hours. In house, there is a focus on therapeutic modules and rehabilitation training, including Art, Drama, Film making, Computers, and Return to Work. Participants are expected to make an individual effort to source external training and education so that an effective exit plan is developed. Participants are expected to move towards further education or employment after one year on the Drug Free programme.

Requirements for entry to the Programme

Participants for Rehabilitation training (Community Employment) in Casadh must meet the following criteria:

  1. Preferably live in the SICLDATF Area
  2. Provide a verified history of  Drug Free living (if not able to do so, the participant will attend the Progression group for a minimum period of two weeks. )
  3. Must be referred by a Medical practitioner, HSE programme or  NDRIC ( National Drugs Rehabilitation Implimentation Committee) programme referral.
  4. Must be over 18.
  5. Ideally be in possession of a medical card.
  6. Meet DEASP (Department of Social Protection) requirements for Community Employment on a Drugs Specific Programme.

There are no other barriers to entry to the programme.